Our Mission

To ensure the improvement of lives of the most vulnerable and poorest of people in Ugandan communities through promoting access to fundamental needs of life. 

Our Vision

Shades of Hope envisions a Ugandan community where all people irrespective of their wealth and background, have access to the fundamental needs of life, which include, shelter, education, better health and food. 


Our Objectives

Child sponsorship: 

This programme is aimed at providing education to children from very poor families and communities. Some of these children come from single parent families, are orphans, live with guardians or have families that cannot afford to send them to school regularly. Our child sponsorship programme keeps children in school from primary to secondary school or vocational school and then onto higher education if necessary. Each child is provided with school fees, school resources, a uniform and school sports kit, a school lunch every day and medical attention when required. 


Providing shelter: 

This project aims at and targets very poor families and under this project we build an appropriate shelter for the families. 


Street outreach ministry: 

This programme builds relationships with children living on the streets of Kampala, providing them with basic medical attention, a meal and someone to talk to. For some of these boys we are able to provide education and reconciliation with their families, with ongoing support. 


Youth recreation activities: 

This programme mainly runs in rural areas, villages and towns. Under this program we interact with the youth through sports, for example football, netball and other sorts of games. 


This provides something for the young people on these areas to get involved in and provides them with a purpose. We use this programme as a platform for talking to the young people about God and His love for them.  


Gift for life: 

This programme also targets poor families, and people who have ideas to start small businesses. We have been able to help young people, single mothers and low income families to start their own small business by providing capital or buying the resources needed. Sometimes a gift may be tools or seeds to grow their own food for their families. Some of these businesses include agriculture, tailoring and hairdressing.