Knowledge is power!

We believe that through sponsorship we empower the children with Knowledge an investment that cannot be underestimated. Sponsoring a child with us is £20 a month, with that we provide the child with school fees, school lunches and scholastic materials.

Please Join us to help us empower the young generation!

Street Reach

“We believe that every child deserves a chance”

Our street project is aimed at creating relationships with these Boys and girls, re-unite them with families or find fosters families for them. In this we want to give them a chance to a safe family environment and hopefully put them through school or vocational school. 

For £30 a month you can support a street child to be resettled, taken through school and give them a shot at life.

We will be excited to hear from you!!

Business start-ups

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”

We have recently launched a program to help families to reach a stage where they can sustain themselves through small entrepreneurship.

From £250 you can help a family start a sustainable business, this could range from buying seeds, farming tools for a family or starting a small business. We are a charity that believes that communities do not need an immense amount of money to be transformed.