Child Sponsorship/ Education

Sponsorship transforms lives in ways we can’t comprehend, we have seen families transform through sponsorship. This is an opportunity to give any child a chance at life, by sponsoring them £20 a month, this will cover the school fees, school lunches and scholastic materials and Uniforms.  We believe that in giving a chance for education to the children in these communities, we give them a chance at Life. 

Street Reach/ rehabilitation

Over 15000 children leave on the streets of Kampala, all for different reasons, including Abuse, poverty. As a christian charity we belive that we can impact this Boys & girls, by offering them a chance to be reconnected with families or find foster Families for them and show them that their is Hope ….

Business Start-ups 

As In the communities we serve in most families have been deprived by poverty our aim is help families find their feet and show them How they can “catch the Fish” rather than handouts, every year depending on resources we have been offering grants to individuals with great ideas for business start-ups and we have seen families become sustainable and we Hope that we can continue to provide capital top more Families through this program, 

About us

Our mission

To ensure the improvement of lives of the most vulnerable and poorest of people in Ugandan communities through promoting access to fundamental needs of life. 

Our Vision

Shades of Hope envisions a Ugandan community where all people irrespective of their wealth and background, have access to the fundamental needs of life, which include, shelter, education, better health and food. 

Our Objectives

In the next Five years, our objective and target is to impact over 2000+ young people, help start over 100 small businesses and with educations, and transform their way of Life, this will done through our Core projects , Child sponsorship, street Reach, rehabilitations Programs and Small business start-ups, 

Areas We serve In,

At the moment we cover Mpigi, district in central Uganda, Kisenyi Slum (one of the biggest in Kampala), Gomba District, and expecting to expand to the nearby Areas.

Why Shades of Hope?

All the funds raised from our sponsors, go directly to our Projects, the work that we do fully relies on volunteers so ensuring that 100% of your funds go directly to the cause.

Succes Stories!!

Please enjoy some of Our Succes stories at Shades of Hope, a glimpse of what is happening in the areas and to individuals and communities that we are involved in!!

Pheobe has been through our sponsorship program from primary school age, Pheobe went through fashion and design School and now has Her own equipment that She is using now to get an income. 


Peninah, is a guardian to the children that we sponsor, She has been providing from them since a young age, Through lock down Peninah lost her Business, we managed to buy sowing Equipment to help he re-start her business and now she is able to build her sowing business back up!!
